Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Don’t Hate Me Because I’m Employable

You see, it started like this, or maybe it didn’t really start it just was.  Every time I get into my car to drive somewhere, I have to dodge all the beggars at the traffic lights. I can’t even go to the shops at times without some person down on their luck trying to guilt me out of a few bucks. Fair enough, it’s only a few bucks, but it’s my few bucks.

I saw the funniest thing one day. Stopped at a traffic light. Car next to me was driven by a black man. Car behind me was driven by a black man. Car behind the car next to me was driven by a white person. The black beggar went and begged from all the white motorists and didn’t bother the balck motorists. Strange?

I regularly receive e-mails asking me to help out some or other charity. I also once made the mistake of signing a petition for whatever cause it was at the time, and now I get e-mails telling me how bloody dangerous it is to give birth in Rwanda, or some other kak spot. Newsflash... it’s just as dangerous giving birth at Joburg Gen.

Then you get the lovely people from the townships. Dancing about because they’re unhappy with their RDP houses. For fuck’s sake! You are getting a house for free, and you want to bitch about it. My tax money hard at work.

I am probably sounding evil and selfish. Well, I’m selfish at the very least. I believe that I work hard for what I have. Just today I saw it. Traffic light, guy with sign “Please Help. Wife + 3 Kids”. Here’s a thought, get a job. And don’t say there isn’t work available, there’s always something.

However, people don’t want to work. If, and I say “IF”, a person really wants to work then they will find something to do. People don’t want to do anything that they think is beneath them. I don’t want to mow lawns, pack shelves, wait tables.

 There was a point to this. Somewhere. Oh yes! Guilt. At least once a month someone, somewhere will try and lay a guilt trip on me regarding the plight of some nameless, faceless people who are living in conditions worse than my own.

I don’t like this guilt trip. Especially when I feel it’s undeserved. Because it gets laid at my door that I have “so much” and they have “so little”. I have earned what I have. I have worked bloody hard, and bloody long to get where I’m at today. No reason why someone else can’t do the same.


Arianwen said...

I agree...and I know how hard you've worked, and from where you began working hard.

So fuckemall.

Unknown said...

What I often find amusing at robots is the sight of a white guy with a sign begging for handouts while surrounded by black guys selling all sorts of wares in order to make a living. As you said, there is always something you can do to make some money (and that does not include stealing it :P)