Tuesday, June 22, 2010


...of entries.

I've noticed over the years how long it takes me to write anything for my blog. My very first blog I had, I could hammer out something in a couple of minutes. Then, five years ago I started taking longer. Sometimes taking up to a week to put something together of only a few hundred words.

The only thing I can say is that it's a bloody good thing I don't write magazine or newspaper columns for a living. I would have starved by now.

I have to wonder if it's some sort of recessive perfectionist gene that comes to the fore when I want to write something, or perhaps lack of creative spark. I will never know. I could just do what some other bloggers do, and do like this:

"Dear Diary,
 Today I went to the mall.... blah blah blah"

Some days I can just rant. Like, for instance my complaint about our highways being tolled. I can rant about other things too. I'm no good at writing book reviews, or how-to columns like my good friend Bazzabent. I'm good at bitching. Sadly, I've learnt to bitch in 160 characters or less. Thank you very much Facebook.

However, I am working on a few ideas. Got stuff brewing, and on the back burner while I take care of how I earn my crust. Leave a comment if you wish. Or don't.


Unknown said...

You mentioned me. That's just cool :)
Bitching about stuff is always good. It clears up the mind to focus on the next thing to bitch about. I sadly don't do it enough. You write well too. I hope to see it more often, even if it is just a rant about something.

Arianwen said...

This was good to read. Haven't read you in 5 years or so, eh? Your technique has changed though, for the better, methinks. You've grown up, I guess?

Keep writing!

Grinder of Cogs said...


Welcome back

Every day I think of a million things I could blog, and forget them soon after.

I must admit, all I can think of are rants, but that's traffic...

I hope you have better luck.