I opened my local newspaper yesterday afternoon, and found this letter to the editor. I typed it in here exactly as it appeared in the newspaper. In a rather pissed off state of mind I formulated a reply, which I sent to the editor.
“Myns insiens is die mens net ‘n robot van God. God skape die mens volgens Sy wil.
Voordat die mens gebore word, programmeer God hom om te dink, sê en te doen wat God wil hê dat hy moet dink, sê en doen deur sy hele lewe, sodat God se wil met hom vervul kan word. God plaas gedagtes in sy bewussyn soos liefde, honger, seks, ens.
Hierdie gedagtes vloei net in sy bewussyn in, sonder dat hy enige beheer daaroor het. Hy kan nie verhoed dat enige van sy gedagtes sy bewussyn binnekom nie. Hy tree dan op volgens hierdie gedagtes. Party mense reken dat die mens tog ‘n wil van sy eie het en kan besluit wat om met hierdie gedagtes te doen.
Dit is maar net weer ‘n ander gedagte wat sy bewussyn binnegekom het, sonder dat hy dit kon verhoed. ‘n Mens bid soms, maar jou gebed word nie verhoor nie, omdat dit waarvoor jy gebid het, nie is wat God wil hê nie. Dan bid jy weer en jou gebed word verhoor. Hoekom? Omdat dit waarvoor jy gebid het, is wat God wil hê.”
Piet, Lindhaven (e-pos)
To summarize Piet, no idea, action or thought you have is your own. Everything comes from God, no matter how fucked up it may seem.
Dear The Editor,
In response to Piet from Lindaven’s letter in the Roodepoort Record dated 9 July 2010, I have the following in response.
It is quite obvious from what Piet wrote that he is the kind of person that has made some bad choices in life and doesn’t want to take responsibility for them.
Piet postulates that man is a robot, created and programmed by God. What an absurd notion. Then he goes on to state that man does not have a free will, but that the idea of “free will” is another idea planted into our heads by God.
Piet’s idea is that we are nothing but puppets, having our strings pulled by The Almighty. If that is the case, then why are there still murders today? Hell, why was there a murder in Genesis. I mean really now. If God was in charge then, as He is supposedly now he could have stopped Cain murdering Abel.
If free will is not involved, then why in Joshua 24:15 does it say “And if it seem evil unto you to serve the LORD, choose you this day whom ye will serve...” The word I see there is choose, meaning free will, the one thing Piet from Lindhaven wishes to rid us off.
By that same argument, God himself decided that I should be an agnostic misanthrope. It was God’s will that I become a software analyst for a billion rand a year organization while Piet fits tyres at the local Supaquick.
I think that perhaps that is Piet’s biggest problem. Piet couldn’t hack the math, science and logic exercises to understand how computers work, besides sending e-mails obviously, and maybe finding some naughty pictures. It seems that Piet has a paltry grasp on the nature of the human animal.
Supposedly, according to the honourable and oh so clever Piet, when you pray and nothing happens it is because you were not praying according to God’s will. But, when what you pray for becomes reality, then that is what was God’s will. What is the use of praying then? If the Almighty God is going to perform according to His will, what is the use of man doing or saying anything? It is quite obvious that the God of Piet does whatever He, or She, wants.
And before Piet decides that I am an ignorant buffoon with no idea of the Holy Scriptures, let me say that I have a diploma in theology. Which, I can assure you, is more than some pastors have. I would’ve completed a degree by now if I didn’t wake up one day and realize how absurd the notion of another being controlling my life is.
I would advise the Piet to revise his thinking. I would further advise Piet to “man up”, take responsibilities for your actions. Do not, under any circumstances, pass the blame for your life sucking onto someone, or something, else.
Best Regards.
1 comment:
Lol, I love your 'stirring the pot' label. A diploma in theology! Excellent. Piet does seem like someone looking to pass the buck for his own choices, bad luck, etc. We all have a beginning and an end, this is a given. How we get from one to the other is by the choices we make. If there is divine help, it is merely guidance. We still make the final decision, be it a good one or not.
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