It seems that I have come to that stage in my life that I have to face my parents’ growing old head on.
I have always just expected my parents to always be around. When one is young, you tend to think that your parents are invincible.
Even later in one’s life, you think that your parents will still, for some reason or other, be around forever.
However, now, I have to face that my parents have become grandparents to a few grandkids, and therefore have been growing older.
I don’t know if everyone does this, but I do at times think back on my life. It hasn’t been a very long life, but I do think about my growing up years.
I have, since recently, been thinking a lot about my growing up years. I realize the amount of sacrifices that my parents had to make to give me the life that I had. Fair enough, I never got everything that I ever wanted, but I had everything I needed.
I think, at the end of the day, that was what mattered. I had what I needed. The parents bent over backwards to provide for me what I needed. "Wants" be damned.
At the time, though, I wasn't extremely pleased about it. However, some years later I am not only pleased, but grateful.
That was not the point though. There was a point. Somewhere.
The point is, that after an undisclosed number of years on this planet, I have to face the fact that my parents are getting older. Granted they are both in better condition than most of my friends' grandparents, but time is ticking away.
A very good friend of mine's grandmother turned 70 this week. My Dad turned 71 last month. Looking at the grandmother, she's ready to give up. My Dad is still going strong. Doesn't look a day over 65, in my opinion.
The difference is that one kept busy and the other is waiting to die.
I have in my own way made my peace with the fact that my parents won't be around forever. It's not a feeling I relish. However, it is something I will have to deal with at some stage.
I realize that every mother and father's day, everyone thinks they've got the best parents on this planet. This despite badmouthing their parents every other day of the year.
I know that I have had my moments with my parents over the years. Even now we have a few moments. The difference now is that I know, to a degree, what my parents have gone through.
I know I do not always give my parents the credit they deserve for raising me. I am pretty sure I'm the only hell my mother ever raised, but I digress again.
I wish I was in a position now to provide for my parents as they provided for me whilst growing up. Then I ask myself "Do I really want my parents to grow old in this country?"
Admittedly, growing old is inevitable. Growing old in a shitty third world country is entirely optional. For some it is optional, at least. Fingers crossed and gods willing that my parents will grow old(er) in a first world country.
At the end of all of this, have I made my peace? I don’t think so. Will I be ready when it happens? Not a fucking chance. But…
I will make my peace whenever. But, I would still like to feel that the Parentals are immortal. And by mere association I may be immortal as well.
Very nicely put my love, I hope many can feel the same way about there folks.
Hugs and kiss to my wonderful husband who has a great opinion....
Oops sorry *their
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